Astro 580: Stellar Astrophysics
Spring 2020

Time and Room: Instructor: Dr. Steven Kawaler

Books: Required

All texts should be available from the University Bookstore, or through online bookstores.

Books: Recommended

These are all excellent supplemental texts. Though the 2nd through 4th are somewhat dated, they contain very clear presentations of the basic physics of stars. They are reasonably priced, and belong on the book shelf of all astronomers.
PRELIM. EXAMS: There will be two midterm exams, each worth 20% towards your total grade. Exams will be open-book or take-home, at arranged times outside of class.
Typically, they are ~60 hour take-home exams (no, they won't take ~60 hours to do, but are due ~60 hours after being handed out).

FINAL EXAM: The final exam will be worth 30% of your total grade.

PROBLEM SETS: Approximately 5 problem sets will be assigned this term. You may (and are encouraged to) work together on these problems. However, each student is expected to turn in his/her own paper with his/her own work. Identical answers to essay-type questions, or to interpretation of numerical results, will be severely frowned upon. Problems will frequently require computer solutions (just like in real life). Therefore you are all strongly encouraged to have a Mac or a Unix/Linux computer available (Windows is mostly useless for computational work); if you don't I can help set you up on a lab computer. Taken together, the problem sets account for 20% of your total grade.

COMPUTATIONS: Stellar evolution and stellar atmosphere "theory" is mostly numerical experimentation using more-or-less standard modeling codes. With the abundance of computing equipment available to you, we can make extensive use of several stellar strucure, evolution, (and perhaps atmosphere) codes that run on almost any modern computer (Linux PCs and Macs). One that is now becoming an 'industry standard' is MESA. MESA installation is now easy on any Unix system (especially OSX on Macs), and running it is relatively easy after you make it up the somewhat steep learning curve.

Expect to be running these codes with an eye towards solving real problems in addition to supporting analytical exercises. In addition, some of the problem sets will require numerical solutions using tools that you will have to develop on your own... either by writing your own code (Python, Fortran, C, C++, whatever), or by intelligent use of packages such as Mathematica.

PRESENTATIONS AND PROJECT By the end of this course, you will be expected to have the ability to read, critically and intelligently, any Astrophysical Journal-level paper on stellar structure and evolution or stellar atmospheres. To develop this skill, we will have presentations throughout the course, and a term project.

Presentations: To help hone your presentation and analysis skills, every Thursday one of the students will give a short (10 minute) presentation of a recently posted or published paper in stellar astrophysics - i.e. a 'Journal Club' talk. Each student will do 1-2 such talks during the semester.

Project: In addition, as a term project, you will spend some more time carefully reading and critically analyzing a recent paper from the literature. You will then need to reproduce a key element of the paper's research with your own computation, or test the paper's conclusion with a new calculation or other piece of quasi-original research.

I will have more to say about the Project early in the course, including where to find recommended papers for you to analyze. As this will take some time to prepare, I will expect all students to have chosen their paper by mid-February. Of course, I will do all I can to help (including providing relevant computer codes if available), and you will be encouraged to contact the author(s) of the chosen paper for suggestions..

The presentations and project (and a general assessment of your class participation) will account for the remaining 10% of your total grade.

COURSE OUTLINE: TENTATIVE!! Note that we have only 15 weeks to cover this enormous field! Thus the following breakdown in timing is only preliminary. We must reserve some flexibility to ensure that we cover, or at least touch upon, as many of these important topics as possible.

  1. Preliminaries (1.5 weeks)
  2. Equation of State of Stellar Material (1 week)
  3. Energy Transport in Stellar Interiors (1 week)
  4. Stellar Energy Sources (1 week)
  5. Stellar Models (1 week)
  6. Stellar Evolutionary Stages: An Overview (1.5 weeks)
  7. The Sun: A Stellar Prototype (0.5 week)
  8. Stellar Atmospheres and Spectra (3 weeks)

  9. Stellar Pulsation and Asteroseismology (1 week)