Astro 505, Fall 2002
End of Term Symposium

Wednesday and Friday, 11-13 December 2002
3:10-4:10, Room 43 Physics Bldg.

All talks will be 15 minutes in length, with 5 minutes for questions. Please note that we must begin precisely at 3:10 and will finish at 4:10 on each day under this schedule, so please be prompt at the start of each session, and be prepared to stay for the full hour.

The entire department of Physics and Astronomy is welcome to attend these talks, but we ask that during the question period, members of Astro 405/505 be given priority.

For accesss to online versions of the articles to be discussed, click on the titles below.

Wednesday, December 11, 2002

  1. 3:10-3:30: Chunwang Gao
    "The Cosmic Triangle: Revealing the state of the universe"
    N.A. Bahcall, J.P. Ostriker, S. Perlmutter, and P. Steinhardt
    Science, 284, 28 (1999)

  2. 3:30-3:50: Heather Henneke
    "NGC 6543: The rings around the cat's eye"
    B. Balick, J. Wilson, & A. Hajian
    Astronomical Journal, 121, 354 (2001)

  3. 3:50-4:10: Greg Knoke
    "Terrestrial planet formation in exoplanetary systems with a giant planet on an external orbit"
    P. Thebault, F. Marzari, and H. Scholl
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, 384, 954 (2002)

Friday, December 13, 2002

  1. 3:10-3:30: Emilia Morosan "The truncation of stellar disks: the magnetic hypothesis"
    E. Battaner, E. Florido1, and J. Jimenez-Vicente
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, 388, 213 (2002)

  2. 3:30-3:50: Daniel Procisi
    "On the feasibility of detecting satellites of extrasolar planets via microlensing"
    C. Han & W. Han
    Astrophysical Journal, 580,490 (2002)

  3. 3:50-4:10: Michael Yakes
    "Are there MACHOs in the Milky Way halo?"
    A.M. Green and K. Jedamzik
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, 395, 31 (2002)

  4. 4:10-4:30: Xiaopeng Zong
    "M33: A galaxy with no supermassive balck hole"
    K. Gebhardt et al.
    Astronomical Journal, 122, 2469 (2001)