Week 1 - Thinking like an astrophysicist

Images and sources

The COBE first-release spectrum, from the original paper:
The Astrophysical Journal, 354, L37 (1990)
Flyby of Earth-crossing asteroid 2002 NY40 on 17/18 August 2002, from the roof of Physics. Details of 2002NY from JPL.
Rotation curve of a spiral galaxy; see the Review paper by Vera Rubin in Annual Reviews of Astronomy and Astrophysics from 2001
Lightcurve of the eclipsing binary HW Virginis, from Wood et al. 1993, MNRAS, 261, 103.

PG1336 - another eclipsing binary, with a twist!

Pulsations in PG1336, from Kilkenny et al. 1998, MNRAS, 296, 329

Mira, the wonderful. Pulsating star with a period of about 1 year. Data from amateur observers through the AAVSO.
Light curve of delta Cepheus, period is 5.3 days. Data from amateur observers through the AAVSO.
Radial velocity curves for binary stars. See, for example, the paper by Udry et al. 1998, A&Ap.Supp., 131, 25
Radial veolcity curve of 47 Ursa Majoris, caused by a planet orbiting the star. See this entry from Geoff Marcy's research website. Also, the paper from the Astrophysical Journal is quite good: Butler, R.P. & Marcy, G. 1996, ApJL, 464, 153
H--R diagram for the globular cluster 47 Tucanae. An image of the cluster itself (glorious!) is here. Actually, this is a 'color-magnitude' diagram, with color (expressed as a ratio of brightness in two broad spectral bands) on the X axis and magnitude (relative brightness) on the Y axis.
Gamma Ray Burst sample light curves. See the BATSE page for more info on GRB observations.
Gamma ray bursts on the sky - note the homogeneous distribution.
The Binary Pulsar - a test of general relativity that led to the Nobel Prize for Russel Hulse and Joe Taylor. Detailed in three papers:
Supernova in M74 - no arrow this time! Picture from ISU's Fick Observatory.
Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud (no arrow needed!).
Supernova light curves...
Spectra of a single supernova at different times following outburst. Note appearance of heavy metal lines, and width of the spectral lines.
Spectra of supernovae of different types - note presence (or absence) of hydrogen lines and iron...
The black hole in M87 - click on the image for the Hubble Space Telescope information.
A galaxy cluster imaging distant galaxies - click on the image for the Hubble Space Telescope information.